“Where you stand is determined by where you sit,” remarked Congress MP Shashi Tharoor recently, in a reference to the changing positions of political parties when in and out...
“Everybody loves a good drought” was award-winning journalist P Sainath’s rather intriguingly titled book a few years ago on rural poverty. In the last few weeks, even prime time...
A number of people have been asking me how they can help the farmers of Marathwada. Here is how: Dilasa Janvikas Pratisthan Bank: State Bank of India, Station Road,...
How you can help Marathwada A number of people have been asking me how they can help the farmers of Marathwada. Here is how: Dilasa Janvikas Pratisthan Bank: State...
We want a Congress Mukt Bharat,” thundered Narendra Modi in the 2014 general election campaign, a slogan echoed repeatedly BJP president, Amit Shah. The declared goal was not just...